Improving the Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities by Promoting Their Professional Rehabilitation

Overchuk, Victoriia
Kushnir, Julia
Shportun, Оksana
Matokhniuk, Lyudmila
Sydorenko, Zhanna
Vasyuk, Kateryna
Viktoriya, Shevchuk
Bloshchynskyi, Ihor
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The article considers fundamental aspects of
ensuring the quality of life of persons with disabilities in
Ukraine, recognition of their rights to a full life in society
and the creation by the state of appropriate conditions for
their rehabilitation and social integration. There have been
significant changes in attitudes towards people with
disabilities in recent decades. The basis of such changes is
the recognition of their rights to a full life in society and the
creation of appropriate conditions for their rehabilitation
and social integration, but, despite the positive changes, the
quality of life of people with disabilities lags far behind and
does not meet today's requirements. Today in Ukraine, the
employment of people with disabilities is part of vocational
rehabilitation, the purpose of which is to provide them with
work directly. The article is devoted to the study of the
development and supports system of vocational training of
persons with disabilities in Ukraine. Particular attention is
paid to the structure of state and non-state institutions,
through which vocational training of persons with
disabilities is carried out. The critical shortcomings of the
vocational education system of persons with disabilities in
Ukraine are selected. In particular, in terms of financing
such education, logistics for certain groups of persons with
disabilities, as well as educational institutions and
enterprises that need to adapt their place of study or work to
the needs of persons with disabilities. The feasible analysis
also indicates the shortcomings of the Procedure for
choosing a profession for people with disabilities with the
participation of medical and social expert commission
(MSEC). Recommendations for overcoming these
shortcomings are formulated separately