Now showing items 1-20 of 1115

      adaptation, primary school age, hyperactive disorder, attention deficit, impulsivity, psycho-physiological features, correctional program. [1]
      adaptation, school adaptation, social adaptation, maladaptation, school maladaptation, first grader, schooling, correctional program. [1]
      addiction, Internet, Internet addiction, Internet environment, adolescence, personality. [1]
      aggressiveness, inclusion, teachers, rigidity, socio-psychological adaptation, anxiety, frustration. [1]
      agrochemical condition of soils, microelements, maximum permissible concentration. [1]
      agroecological condition, heavy metals, indicators, maximum permissible concentration, optimization of land use. [1]
      agroecological indicators, anthropogenic impact, sustainable development, rural united territorial communities, Western Polissya region [1]
      agroecosystem, agrolandscape, soil, arable land, pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides, ecological zoning, ecological passport, ecologically balanced development, Eastern Podillya. [1]
      agroecosystem, antibiotic resistance, microbiome, soil. [1]
      agroecosystem, balanced agronature use, ecological condition, agrobiodiversity, protected object. [1]
      agroecosystem, settlements, agroecological condition, agrobiodiversity, optimization of land use. [1]
      agrosphere, soil, soil fertility, soil plowing, soil degradation, land protection. [1]
      analiza SWOT, ochrona środowiska, energia, węgiel [1]
      Analysis, condition, reservoir, bioindication [1]
      animal husbandry, by-products, environment, pollution, microorganisms, antibiotics [1]
      anime, subculture, anime fan, teenager, personality development, social-communicative skills, empathy, adaptability. [1]
      anthropogenic landscapes, water landscapes, nature reserve fund, Podillia, water bodies. [1]
      anxiety, motherhood, psychosomatic manifestations. [1]
      Apis mellifera L., бджоли, смертність, ентомофіли, агенти запилення [1]
      Asteraceae, способи запилення, шляхи запилення, ентомофіли, агенти запилення [1]