Застосування інформаційних технологій при проведенні занять з навчальної дисципліни «Основ природничих та технічних знань»

Матохнюк, Людмила Олександрівна
Дем’янюк, Катерина Дмитрівна
Гунько, Андрій Вініамінович
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
As it is proved by practical results, knowledge acquired by cadets in the process of studying the course ‘Basics of Sciences and Technical Knowledge’ with application of information technologies devices contributes to the general increase of individual work share and stimulates cadets. It influences formation of learners’ theoretical, creative and modular-reflexive thought. It proves that computer graphic visualization of educational information helps sufficiently to form cadets’ general technical skills, which take the central place in creative and technical thinking; and vivid presentation of certain phenomena and processes in learners’ memory facilitates their perception of educational material as well as its technical perception.
According to the obtained results, such kind of academic activity as laboratory assignments is a form of cadets’ individual work. Cadets apply their acquired knowledge, skills and competences in the process of carrying out their laboratory assignment. At the same time, they do a research in the field. In the process of individual work such features as cadets’ learning activity and independence confirm and approve each other. Their independence is characterized by high degree of awareness.
The results of the research presented in the article are based on the data of the laboratory class with application of automated projecting system SolidWorks. The goal was to combine graphic work on a plane as a means of the technical course teaching with methods of computer technologies application while ensuring cadets’ active involvement in the process of three-dimensional images creation on the computer screen. A number of teaching methods were used in the process of the laboratory class, such as explanatory-illustrative method, reproductive method, problem setting method as well as partial searching method.