An empirical comparison of machine learning clustering methods in the study of Internet addiction among students majoring in Computer Sciences

Klochko, Oksana
Fedorets, Vasyl
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
One of the relevant current vectors of study in machine learning is the
analysis of the application peculiarities for methods of solving a specific
problem. We will study this issue on the example of methods of solving the
clustering problem. Currently, we have a considerable number of learning
algorithms which can be used for clustering. However, not all methods can be
used for solving a specific task. The article describes the technology of empirical
comparison of methods of clustering problem solving using WEKA free software
for machine learning. Empirical comparison of data clustering methods was
based on the results of a survey conducted among students majoring in Computer
Sciences and dedicated to detecting signs of Internet addiction (IA) as
behavioural disorder that occurs due to Internet misuse. Empirical comparison of
Expectation Maximization, Farthest First and K-Means clustering algorithms
together with the application of the WEKA machine learning system had the
following results. It described the peculiarities of application of these methods in
feature clustering. The authors developed data instances’ clustering models to
detect signs of Internet addiction among students majoring in Computer Sciences.
The study concludes that these methods may be applicable to development of
models detecting respondent groups with signs of IA related disorders.