Provision of the individual’s psychological security: The possibility of formation and correction

Yatsiuk, Mariia
Overchuk, Victoriia
Liashch, Oksana
Ihnatovych, Olena
Maliar, Olena
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The aim of the study the need for security has always been one of the most important human challenges at any age. People have always suffered and had to defend themselves against a variety of threats. Currently, the number of dangers affecting their mental health and emotional well-being is growing rapidly. In today’s world, people are becoming more and more psychologically vulnerable. The speed of general social changes and strong information pressure nowadays exceed personal opportunities for adaptability. Under such conditions, everyday life becomes more dangerous, more risky for physical and mental health. The present academic paper is devoted to studying the mechanisms of formation of the individual’s psychological security, which is of significant practical importance in the conditions of political and social-economic instability of the modern society in the world. The scientific article analyses the process of acquiring psychological security, the starting point of which is the construction of a model of the world in the coordinates of the vital meanings of the individual, structuring it in a certain way according to the security level. The purpose of the academic paper lies in analysing the features of the process of forming and correcting the psychological security of the individual. Methodology. The data from international studies, scientific publications and survey results of residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine have been used in the research. Results. With the aid of the questionnaire, the values of the components of the individual’s psychological security have been revealed from the point of view of the inhabitants of the territories where active hostilities have been carried out, which is of particular importance for the formation of personality-oriented mechanisms of psychological work with such categories of people. According to the results of the survey conducted, the priorities of correcting the level of psychological security include forecasting life prospects and developing skills to relieve emotional stress in order to quickly and deeply recover.