Ways of Ensuring, Forming and Adjusting the Psychological Security of the Personality (Corrective Aspect of Sports Activities).

Overchuk, V.
Liashch, O.
Yatsiuk, M.
Ihnatovych, O
Maliar, O.
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Introduction:The present academic paper focuses on the study of the mechanisms involved in the formation of an individual's psychological security. Given the prevalent conditions of political and socio-economic instability in modern societies worldwide, understanding psychological security is of significant practical importance. This article examines the process of acquiring psychological security, which originates from the general perspective of ensuring human development and the need for self-preservation. Furthermore, the paper explores the role of sports activities in promoting the corrective aspect of psychological security. It highlights the positive impact of physical exercise on reducing stress, anxiety levels, and improving overall mental well-being. The research findings indicate that engaging in sports activities can help individuals cope with the adverse effects of political and socio-economic instability on their psychological health.Objectives:The main objective of this study is to identify the essentialcomponents of an individual's psychological security, with a specific focus on the perspectives of residents in occupied territories or regions affected by active hostilities. By gathering survey data, this study aims to determine the importance of psychological security in the formation of personally oriented mechanisms within these population groups.Methods: The research methodology employed in this study is based on an integrated approach. To achieve the objectives, a survey was conducted among residents of occupied territories and regions with a history of active hostilities. The survey questionnaire included inquiries about various aspects related to psychological security, such as life prospects and the ability to manage emotional tension. The survey data provided valuable insights into the important components of psychological security from the viewpoint of the individuals under study. Results:The survey results revealed significant findings regarding the formation of an individual's psychologicalsecurity. The data indicated that the prediction of life prospects and the development of skills for managing emotional tension emerged as priority areas for adjusting the psychological well-being of individuals residing in occupied territories or regionsaffected by hostilities. These results shed light on the specific needs and concerns of the population group under investigation.Conclusions:In conclusion, this study emphasizes the importance of understanding and promoting psychological security in individuals affected by political and socio-economic instability. The research findings highlight the significance of psychological security in the overall well-being and recovery process of individuals residing in occupied territories or regions with a history of hostilities. The study underscores the role of sports activities as a means to address and alleviate the negative impact of instability on psychological health. By identifying priority areas for psychological adjustment, such as the prediction of life prospects and the acquisition of skills to manage emotional tension, this research contributes to the development of effective strategies for deep recovery and improved psychological security.