Management of the Play Activity of Primary Schoolchildren. A Critical Look at Ukrainian Trends from the Point of View of International Experience

Marievych, N
Nesterovych, B
Turchyn, T
Kryvosheya, T
Shyshova, O
Nadon, V
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The article discusses the opposite views of the role
of the teacher in the management of the play activity of
primary schoolchildren in the Ukrainian context. A review of
modern international educational trends for the development
of a framework model of play and musical and play training
of schoolchildren is carried out, taking into account modern
educational and social conditions, destructive and
accumulated relevant views of domestic methodologists are
highlighted. It has been proven that the modern style of
group management is characterized not so much by the
leader's leadership and team qualities as by his involvement in
the general dynamics of the group. In the case of managing
the musical and play activities of lower schools, this requires a
fundamental reorientation of the teacher. Moreover, separate
management will not be effective within the classroom,
including if it falls out of the general weigh with the pupil
outside of school. We recognize that within the framework of
the theoretical model for the effectiveness of the management
of musical and play activities, the future teacher must adhere
to the appropriate stages, develop an organizational and
methodological matrix of the game, take into account the
pedagogical conditions for the use of musical games in
educational work with younger students. The international
significance of the article lies in the possibility of using
international experience, which is adapted to the changing
conditions of post-totalitarian countries, which requires
testing authoritarian approaches to the management of
education in primary schools.