Зараз показуються 1-20 з 74

      agroecological state of lands, assessment of ecological state of lands, heavy metals. [1]
      agroecosystem, agrolandscape optimization, agroecological monitoring, balanced agroenvironmental management, region. [1]
      Anthropogenic loads, urban ecosystem, air pollution, urban pollution. [1]
      aquatic ecosystems, properties and functions of water, drinking water quality, water supply source, sanitary and hygienic indicators. [1]
      atmospheric pollution, forest ecosystems, damage, “Cherkasy Bir” National Nature Park. [1]
      belligerent influence, land resources, soil pollution, soil degradation, biodiversity, Snihuriv territorial community, landscape, ecosystem, military conflict, ecology. [1]
      competence, ecological competence, ecological education, sustainable development. [1]
      construction waste management strategy, environmental components, environmental measures, environmental audit, greening of construction. [1]
      drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), modern life, ecology, agriculture, monitoring, environmental protection, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, energy efficiency, ecosystem restoration, sustainable development, technologies. [1]
      ecological consciousness, man, nature, education, culture, education, preservation of the environment. [1]
      ecosystems, nature conservation, protected area, functional zoning of the territory, rational use, the city of Vinnytsia. [1]
      environmental damage, military operations, environmental restoration, pollution, ecosystems, international cooperation [1]
      environmental safety, water use, greenhouse farming, wastewater, resource optimization, water treatment, innovative technologies, environmental monitoring, rational water use. [1]
      hemerobia, urban green areas, bioindicators, biodiversity, ecological sustainability. [1]
      land fund, soil cover, environmental monitoring, land use, agrolandscape. [1]
      LEDs, ecosystem, anthropogenic load, ecological state, LED lamps, environmental components. [1]
      municipal solid waste, ecological state, ecosystem, management strategy, environment, waste disposal sites. [1]
      nature reserve fund, biodiversity protection, ecological network, anthropogenic threats. [1]
      pesticides, ecological risks, water pollution, biodiversity, beneficial insects, bees, soil microorganisms, animal intoxication, integrated pest management, biological control methods, agricultural crops, chemical treatments, environment. [1]
      pesticides, ecosystem, agro-environmental management, ecological state, environmental components. [1]