International collaboration in public governance: Assessing the role of collective initiatives and organisations

Tarasenko, Tetiana
Sorokina, Nataliia
Kashchenko, Ninel
Branitska, Tetiana
Kukhar, Ivan
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
In the context of increasing globalization, rapid technological change, and the spread of complex issues such as
transnational terrorism, climate change, mass migration due to armed conflicts, and the consequences of pandemics,
international cooperation becomes a necessity. Public administration can no longer operate in isolation from global events
and challenges, and understanding the role of international organizations and joint projects in shaping and implementing
policies becomes critically important. Addressing complex problems requires joint efforts and resources, making the topic
of international cooperation in governance relevant and necessary for research. The paper analysed various aspects of the
role of international organizations and joint projects in policy formation, strategy development, and solving complex
problems. Special attention is paid to cooperation mechanisms that strengthen institutional ties between countries and
promote interaction in areas such as economics, politics, social affairs, and ecology. Additionally, by examining specific
programmes, projects, and initiatives, the article highlights the importance of international cooperation as a tool for
achieving common goals and addressing global challenges. Thus, international cooperation in public administration is not
only relevant but also necessary for effectively responding to contemporary challenges and achieving common goals on a
global scale. In turn, international organizations and joint projects facilitate coordination among different states, which
helps avoid duplication of efforts and maximise the efficient use of resources. They also contribute to strengthening
international relations and building trust between countries, promoting stability and peace in the world.