Methodological aspects of using augmented reality for improvement of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher

Klochko, Oksana V.
Fedorets, Vasyl M.
Uchitel, Aleksandr D.
Hnatyuk, Vitaliy V.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The article deals with the results of the research aimed at the
improvement of methodology of use of augmented reality for the development
of health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher under
conditions of post-graduate education. From the point of Umwelt
phenomenology, augmented reality is characterized by correspondence to nature,
its cognitive, metaphoric, diverse, interactive, anthropomorphic nature. The
article analyzes the vectors of using augmented reality in the professional activity
of a Physical Education teacher, particularly the one that is aimed at health
preservation. The software that may be used with this purpose has been described.
The attitude of Physical Education teachers to the use of the augmented reality
for preserving their students’ health and development of their motion skills,
intellect and creativity was determined in the research. The results of the survey
show that the majority of teachers positively react to the idea of using augmented
reality in their professional activity. However, in some cases, not a fully formed
understanding of this issue was observed. The ways of solving the stated problem
could be the inclusion of augmented technologies’ techniques into the process of
post-graduate education, taking into consideration the anthropological, ethical,
cultural contexts as well as teacher involvement in the stated process.