National and Patriotic Education of Young Students by Means of Digital Technologies in Distance Learning Environment

Kuzmenko, Yulia
Bezliudniy, Oleksandr
Kravchenko, Oksana
Kondur, Oksana
Reznichenko, Iryna
Kyrsta, Nataliia
Tkachuk, Larysa
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
This article is devoted to the problem of national and patriotic
education of young students by means of digital technologies in
the conditions of distance learning environment. It is emphasized
that national and patriotic education is a powerful means of
strengthening the unity and integrity of Ukraine. It is proved that
national and patriotic education will be effective under the
condition of systematic and purposeful activity on formation of
patriotic consciousness in youth, sense of national dignity,
necessity of service of ideals and values of the country. Various
forms of educational work of national and patriotic orientation at
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, which were
conducted by digital technologies: online thematic lectures,
educational classes, round tables, workshops, guest online
meetings with famous researchers of historical heritage of Ukraine,
online tours of historical places, virtual exhibitions of art,
participation in the national-patriotic student camp “Diia” (Action)
and etc. The activity of the University Library and
V. O. Sukhomlinsky State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of
Ukraine of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of
Ukraine, which has a significant impact on the formation of
national consciousness and social and political activity of students
by modern means of information and communication technologies.
It is determined that the project “Inclusive 3D map” helps to
broaden the horizons and deepen the knowledge of young students,
education of a true citizen, the formation of cognitive interest in
the subjects studied, motivation to study, raising awareness of
Ukrainians on historical and cultural heritage. The study showed
that young students take an active social attitude: they speak
Ukrainian, want to live and work in Ukraine, respect their
homeland, its traditions, cultural and historical past, love to travel
and they are tolerant of people with special needs. Promising areas
of educational work with students based on the use of a wide range
of information and communication technologies, namely 3D games, TV tandems, podcasts, social networks, video resources in
national and patriotic education of youth.