Academic Success in the Context of Distance Learning
Короткий опис(реферат)
The content of this article reflects the state, problems and prospects of distance
learning in the conditions of quarantine measures at the time of the Covid outbreak in
Ukraine, as well as to improve self-education and training. The advantages and
disadvantages of distance learning are analyzed.
The relevance of research is due to changes in thinking, the emergence of new
technologies, the growth of information flow, and, as a consequence, the complexity
of social processes. The rapid digitalization of our world, the emergence of new
professions and teaching methods, have led to the fact that the traditional education
system has begun to transform. Today, the current level of socio - economic
development of mankind is accelerating and needs to adapt to all changes ineconomic, social, political and cultural life and, as a result, requires more and more
diverse, multilevel and diverse training. In the current reality of events taking place
around the world, and undoubtedly the events that affected Ukraine, and the
introduction of all those measures and changes, including in the learning process.
"Distance learning" has become one of the most popular way in education today.
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 215 of March 11, 2020
introduced quarantine throughout Ukraine [2], which means that all educational
institutions are moving to distance learning. In recent decades, distance education has
become a global phenomenon of educational and information culture. Nevertheless,
distance learning is not widely used in the educational process of schools, colleges,
gymnasiums and other secondary special educational institutions. [4]
And it was "quarantine" that intensified the problem of distance learning and
showed the real situation and implementation of measures to identify shortcomings in
the implementation of distance learning, as the system of general vocational
education was not ready for the transition to full distance learning, which would be a
real threat its existence in general [1].
But, thanks to timely decisions and implementation measures, and the
establishment of the learning process - this problem has been solved and worked in a
short time.