Psychological assistance to the individual in situations of life crises using narrative practices

Maliar, OLENA
Overchuk, Victoriia
Smulson, Maryna
Vdovichenko, Oksana
Vasuk, Katerina
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This article examines the theory and practice of
using narrative techniques to provide
psychological support to people facing life's
obstacles and crises. Researchers are studying
the key aspects of the narrative approach, its
effectiveness, and ways to combine it with
classical methods of psychological assistance.
The article aims to discuss an alternative
perception of social reality based on the ideas of
postmodernism about psychological support and
to reveal in more detail the narrative practice as
an innovative counseling technique. The research
methodology is based on the analysis of narrative
practice and its fundamental principles, such as
separating the problem from the individual,
recognizing the patient as an authority in his life,
and concentrating on considering the context of communication, where speech plays a central
role. The main conclusions demonstrate the
effectiveness of the narrative approach as a tool
for psychological support in crises. This
technique ensures that each case's characteristics
and specifics are considered, contributing to the
successful solution of problems and restoring the
psychological balance of individuals. A more
detailed analysis of narrative methods may
contribute to their further integration with
traditional approaches and lead to the creation of
new models of psychological assistance.