Optimization of the land use system of the Karmeliuk’s Podillia National Nature Park

Mudrak, O
Datsenko, L
Hanchuk, M
Mazykina, O
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Functional zoning of the Karmeliuk’s Podillia National Nature Park territory was carried out, taking
into account representative and rare ecosystems. The need to change the regime of the territory of the
"Stratiivska Dacha" tract in blocks 72, 74–75 from an economic zone to a zone of regulated recreation
is substantiated. The need to include the "Vyshenka" tract, located within the boundaries of the
Chechelnytsia village council, as a complete natural complex, represented by unique landscapes of
various types of ecosystems, as a part of the park with the right of permanent use has been proven.