Modeling of ecophobic tendencies of consciousness of higher education students

Klochko, Oksana
Fedorets, Vasyl
Mudrak, Oleksandr
Troitska, Tamara
Kaplinskyi, Vasyl
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of strategies for the development of ecological
consciousness (ecophilic educational strategies) of higher education students on the basis of digital models of
ecophobic tendencies (intentions, values). Based on the application of the developed “Fedorets-Klochko miniquestionnaire "Ecophobic consciousness of the industrial epoch"” an experimental study of ecophobic and
ecophilic intentions and values of higher education students. This mini-questionnaire reveals the environmental
aspects of consciousness by actualizing the culture and psychology of everyday life. Based on the application of
digital and mathematical modeling, ecological and value comprehension of the results of experimental research
conducted using this mini-questionnaire, a model of “Archaic ecophobic intentions and values” was formed.
This model contains the following digital models: “Matrix of coefficients (weights) for determining ecophobic
intentions and values” and “Cluster model of ecophobic intentions and values”. Based on the application of
these digital models, the concept of sustainable development and other concepts and approaches, three ecophilic
educational strategies have been developed: “Synergistic strategy of personal security through care for the
Earth”; “Strategy for harmonization of needs based on care for the Earth”; “Strategy for harmonization of
human-Earth interaction”. When using the “Matrix of coefficients (weights) to determine ecophobic intentions
and values” determines the system-organizing value and the dominant influence of the “Synergistic strategy of
personal security through care for the Earth”. This strategy has a genetic and semantic connection with the basic
vital (vital) value – food security (individual and collective). The application of this strategy can be relevant in
educational theory and practice and in everyday life (life, work) to optimize and minimize human needs