Zooecological approaches in the implementation of the sustainable development strategy for rural territorial communities of the West Polish Region

Mudrak, O.V.
Portuhay, O.I.
Lyko, D.V.
Mudrak, H.V.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The article analyses the necessity of studying the state of animal husbandry at
the regional level and its importance to the development of rural territorial
communities. It also presents the number dynamics of farm animals in enterprises,
farms and households and the products obtained for the period from 1995 to 2019
on the territory of the West Polissya region in the section of Rivne and Volyn
regions. As a result, a significant decrease in the number of animals was found,
with the exception of poultry, the number of which increased 2.3-2.4 times.
It was found that the change in the number of basic farm animals affected the
production of the relevant products. From 1995 to 2019, the number of egg
production increased significantly and the number of dairy products, wool, and
meat (in slaughter weight) decreased in Rivne region. Poultry meat, which is
significantly cheaper than pork or beef, is also a major part of meat products made
in the West Polissya region.
It is revealed that the main contribution to the development of animal
husbandry in the West Polissya region is made by households, where a greater
number of the main types of agricultural animals are concentrated (in 2019, 80%
of cows, 75% of pigs, 92% of sheep and goats). Therefore, one of the conditions
for improving its development is the use of various mechanisms to stimulate the
evolvement of individual farms, farms and cooperatives.
Measures to improve livestock leverage have been proposed as one of the
important factors contributing to the implementation of sustainable development
strategies for rural united territorial communities