Ecologically comparativ eeffect of bacterial preparations on field germination of sugar beets

Mudrak, O.V.
Demyanyuk, O.S.
Masloyid, A.P.
Mudrak, G.V.
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Intensive cultivation of sugar beets requires constant improvement of its components, the search for new
reserves to increase yields and sugar content. Sowing to a stand is one of the important links of intensive
technology. High field germination of seeds is its determining factor, which, it is a necessary condition
for sowing to a stand. The use of plant growth regulators is one of the reserves for increasing the yield
and sugar content of sugar beets. However, stimulating the growth, development and productivity of
crops is provided at the appropriate doses, timing and methods of application of growth regulators. The
synthetic drugs under certain conditions can be harmful to the environment, humans and animals. Inoculation of sugar beet seeds with bacterial preparations allows to realize the possibility of the biologically
active substances effect on the plant during almost the entire growing season. According to the results of
research, inoculation of sugar beet seeds by Polymixobacterin caused an increase by 9,6–13,9 % in field
germination, and joint inoculation of sugar beet seeds by Polymixobacterin and Agrofil increases field
germination by 11,9–17,2 % in the area of insufficient moisture of the right bank forest-steppe of Ukraine
under different systems of organic and mineral fertilizers. The application of such as bacterial preparations as Polymixobacterin and Agrofil can be recommended as an element of cultivation biologization for
creating environmentally friendly technologies for sugar beets growing