Proteolytic Homeostasis in the Tissue of the Spleen and the Heart of Rats Injected with the Venom of Vipera berus berus and Vipera berus nikolskii

Palamarchuk, Mariia
Bobr, Anna
Mudrak, Aleksandr
Gunas, Igor
Maievskyi, Oleksandr
Samborska, Inga
Vovk, Tetiana
Halenova, Tetiana
Raksha, Natalia
Savchuk, Olexii
Ostapchenko, Ludmila
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Species of the subfamily Viperinae, known to be Old World vipers,
Vipera berus berus and Vipera berus nikolskii, are highly distributed in
Europe and show their venomous effect, leading to proteolysis,
thrombocytopenia, neurotoxicity, and haemorrhage state in susceptible
organism. A shift in the protein balance underlies the envenoming in the
targeted organs and in the whole organism. Thus, a study of the influence
of the V. berus berus and V. berus nikolskii venoms on the protein
systems of the spleen and the heart was conducted in order to single out
the impact of toxins on the metabolic pathways in the targeted organs.
The study included an investigation of the amount of total proteins, and
their redistribution and connection with toxicity. The results prove the
assumption of proteolytic activation and the emergence of the toxicity
state, showing a decrease in the level of proteins, changes in protein
composition, redistribution of enzymatic profiles, and an increased level
of low molecular weight molecules.