Зараз показуються 1-20 з 924

      agrochemical condition of soils, microelements, maximum permissible concentration. [1]
      agroecological condition, heavy metals, indicators, maximum permissible concentration, optimization of land use. [1]
      agroecological state of lands, assessment of ecological state of lands, heavy metals. [1]
      agroecosystem, agrolandscape optimization, agroecological monitoring, balanced agroenvironmental management, region. [1]
      agroecosystem, antibiotic resistance, microbiome, soil. [1]
      agroecosystem, balanced agronature use, ecological condition, agrobiodiversity, protected object. [1]
      agroecosystem, settlements, agroecological condition, agrobiodiversity, optimization of land use. [1]
      agrosphere, soil, soil fertility, soil plowing, soil degradation, land protection. [1]
      analiza SWOT, ochrona środowiska, energia, węgiel [1]
      Analysis, condition, reservoir, bioindication [1]
      animal husbandry, by-products, environment, pollution, microorganisms, antibiotics [1]
      Anthropogenic loads, urban ecosystem, air pollution, urban pollution. [1]
      Apis mellifera L., бджоли, смертність, ентомофіли, агенти запилення [1]
      aquatic ecosystems, properties and functions of water, drinking water quality, water supply source, sanitary and hygienic indicators. [1]
      Asteraceae, способи запилення, шляхи запилення, ентомофіли, агенти запилення [1]
      atmospheric pollution, forest ecosystems, damage, “Cherkasy Bir” National Nature Park. [1]
      backend [1]
      BDD-специфікації [1]
      beekeeping, export, economic efficiency, natural environment, agricultural sector. [1]
      belligerent influence, land resources, soil pollution, soil degradation, biodiversity, Snihuriv territorial community, landscape, ecosystem, military conflict, ecology. [1]