Now showing items 81-100 of 747

      environmental condition, forest ecosystems, nature reserve fund, biotic diversity, ecological network. [1]
      environmental education, ecological education and culture, ecological consciousness, ecological behavior. [1]
      environmental education, environmental education, younger schoolchildren [1]
      environmental education, non-formal education, learning strategies. [1]
      Environmental education, students, primary school, chemistry lessons, problem solving, problem solving, natural patterns. [2]
      environmental impact assessment, planned activities, atmospheric air, geological environment, aquatic environment. [3]
      environmental management; environmental competence; sustainable development, environmental education; Dashevsky united territorial community [1]
      environmental pollution, health hazard, morbidity. [1]
      environmental problems, landscape complexes, types of pollution, sources of pollution, environmental conditions. [3]
      etnoekologia, etnopedagogika, kultura etniczna, kultura ekologiczna, edukacja ekologiczna, tradycje etnoekologiczne, przyroda. [1]
      European bison (Bison bonasus), ecological and biological status, population, species protection, national natural park. [1]
      excursion, ecological culture; ecological educational; natural sciences, educational process; applicants for education. [1]
      field; building sand; influence; mining activities; pollution. [2]
      food quality, quality index, methods of food research. [1]
      food quality, quality indicator, food research methods. [1]
      forest conservation, nature reserve fund, forest ecosystem, forestry measures, aboriginal breeds. [1]
      fragmentation, landscape, land use changes, Poland [1]
      future teachers, vocational training, vocational readiness, environmental education. [1]
      geoeducation, reclamation, post-mining areas [1]
      global problems of mankind, environment, ecological education, sustainable development of society [1]