Зараз показуються 1-10 з 10

    agroecosystem, agrolandscape, soil, arable land, pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides, ecological zoning, ecological passport, ecologically balanced development, Eastern Podillya. (1)
    autonomy, development, adolescent person, selfregulation, types, social-psychological conditions, psychocorrection. (1)
    biodiversity, nature protected areas, ecological network, sustainable development, optimization, rational use of nature, Eastern Podilia. (1)
    ecological and biological features, forest plantations, agroecosystem, agricultural landscape, optimization, Northern Black Sea coast (1)
    forest landscapes, forest genetic reserves, plus plantations, forests of high nature protection value, nature reserve fund, ecological network, ecological passport, ecological condition, ecological monitoring, sustainability development. (1)
    humour, regulate-level model, generative side of humour, perceptive side of humour, regulate-level humour therapy, psychopathology, "humorous" pathopsychological symptom complexes. (1)
    information competence, personality, ontology of development, structural-functional model, structural components, functions of information competence, information and communication technologies (1)
    spatial orientation skills, children with low vision, the senior preschool age, comprehensive methods of correctional education. (1)
    the world outlook culture of students of pedagogical universities, artand-labor activity of future teachers, pedagogical conditions of students’ world outlook culture upbringing, the technique of realization of pedagogical conditions (1)
    автономність, розвиток, особистість юнацького віку, саморегуляція, типи, соціально-психологічні умови, психокорекція. (1)