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dc.contributor.authorKlochko, O V
dc.contributor.authorFedorets, V M
dc.contributor.authorKlochko, V I
dc.contributor.authorKlochko, Kh A
dc.description.abstractThe article, based on the application of anthropological methodology, reveals the phenomenology of the physical-mental interaction between a person and a computer. Ways of integrative use of the concept of Umwelt by J. J. von Uexk¨ull and the theory of movements construction are represented, and Umwelt-oriented strategies for improving computer technologies are presented. The Umwelt, as the world of perception and the world of human activity (in particular, cognitive), can be represented as an anthropo-computer world. On the basis of the current features of the body-mental Umwelt, ways of anthropologically directed improvement of HCI are determined. Using the questionnaire developed by the authors and applying cluster analysis, a survey of students of higher education institutions was conducted in order to determine the physical and mental orientation in Umwelt oriented interaction in the human-computer system. The interpretation of the research results indirectly indicates the systematicity, equality of interaction in the human-computer system. This determines the possibility of distinguishing typical ways of interaction in the human-computer system, among which the bodily and mental-psychological ones are significant, which correspond to certain levels that characterize the systemic, spatio-temporal and structural-functional organization of motor activity in the theory of movements construction.uk_UA
dc.publisherICon-MaSTEd 2023 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2611 (2023) 012018 IOP Publishinguk_UA
dc.titleAnthropologically oriented strategies of interaction in the Human-Computer systemuk_UA

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