Зараз показуються 21-38 з 38

      spouses, family, conflict, family conflict, conflict, conflictuality, conflict behavior style, causes of conflict, psychological features. [1]
      Staphylea Pinnata, cenopopulations, reproduction, range (area), National Nature Park (NNP) “Karmeliukove Podillya”. [1]
      Staphylea pinnata, ценопопуляції, розмноження, ареал, НПП “Кармелюкове Поділля”. [1]
      STEАM-освіта; здобувачі вищої освіти; інформаційно-освітнє середовище; фахівці з технологій захисту навколишнього середовища [1]
      strategia rozwoju, zrównoważony rozwój, gmina [1]
      strategic planning, sustainable development indicators, monitoring system, territorial communities, SWOT-analysis. [1]
      Strelsky Reserve; projective coating; abundance; vitality; ecological groups of plants; birch drooping [1]
      style, cognitive style, individuality, individual style of information processing, mechanisms of intellectual functioning [1]
      sugar beets, field germination, pre-sowing inoculation, phosphorus fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers, organic fertilizers, microorganisms, biologically active substances [1]
      sugar production wastewater, biological treatment, anaerobic fermentation, biogas, technological mode, optimization. [1]
      suggestion, professional competence of a psychologist, psychotechniques. [1]
      sustainable development of rural united territorial communities, dynamics of the number of farm animals, types of agricultural products, agricultural production per person, average annual milk yield per cow [1]
      sustainable development strategy, territorial community, ecological condition, hydroecosystem, balanced water use. [1]
      sustainable development strategy, territorial community, eсological policy, economic, ecologic and social components. [1]
      sustainable development, of territorial (communities, public administration economic component social component, environmental component. [1]
      sustainable development, sustainable development strategy, concept of sustainable development, ecology, greening, natural resources, environment. [1]
      sustainable development; sustainable development goals; mortality; demography; morbidity; ageing; fertility. [1]
      sychological security; Subjective content of psychological security; Objective content of psychological security; Correction, Mental health, Psychological protection; Sports activities. [1]