Зараз показуються 41-60 з 69

      ecosystems, biotic factor, vipers, small intestine, toxins, structural changes. [1]
      education, educational environment, ecological culture, ecological crisis, ecological consciousness [1]
      electromagnetic field (EMF), 5G, environmental monitoring [1]
      emotional experiences, military personnel, combat stress, Armed Forces of Ukraine, psychotraumatic situation, traumatic situation. [1]
      emotional intelligence, fairy-tale therapy, emotions, personality, younger schoolchildren, the influence of fairy-tale therapy on the emotional sphere. [1]
      emotional states, anxiety, youth personality, state of anxiety, music therapy. [1]
      emotions, emotional competence, emotional awareness, emotional intelligence, psychologica lwell-being, psychological health [1]
      environmental assessment, health status, park planting, park art monument, "Piatnychanskii Park". [2]
      environmental assessment, pesticides, landfill, environment, environmental awareness [1]
      environmental assessment, pesticides, landfill, environment, environmental awareness. [2]
      environmental assessment, quality of drinking water, sanitary and hygienic indicators, water supply sources, rational use. [1]
      environmental assessment; sustainable development strategy; Indicators; pollution; united territorial community [1]
      environmental awareness, phenological observations, older preschool children, international GLOBE program. [1]
      environmental competence, environmental education, sustainable development. [1]
      environmental condition, forest ecosystems, nature reserve fund, biotic diversity, ecological network [1]
      environmental condition, forest ecosystems, nature reserve fund, biotic diversity, ecological network. [1]
      environmental education, ecological education and culture, ecological consciousness, ecological behavior. [1]
      environmental education, environmental education, younger schoolchildren [1]
      environmental education, non-formal education, learning strategies. [1]
      Environmental education, students, primary school, chemistry lessons, problem solving, problem solving, natural patterns. [2]